Monday, May 4, 2009

We Have A Date!

To make it a randomly chosen date, I wrote the months July through December on paper and the numbers 1 through 31. I dipped Lucy's paw in blue paint (non-toxic, of course!), threw the papers in the air, and let her "choose" the date. She stepped on July and 15 first so that's the date for mailing out our letters.
I will make a post in the next few days with addresses to send them to. Until then, start working on your envelopes and letters (if you're going to include one). There are several sites online that offer blue envelopes in bulk--any shade of blue you can image.
To our watchers from Canada and Mexico~~please email me or leave comments here with the addresses of those we should target in your countries.


  1. I'm glad you could talk Lucy into helping you out with this. I am putting July 15th on my calendar. Maybe everyone should start letting their local news stations know about this mass mailing. That would gain even more coverage and awareness.
    God Bless all the CDH babies/families.

  2. What a creative way to picking a date. Lucy is such a great helper :-)

  3. :-) What a good date... a soon date! I am super excited to be helping with this and cant wait! Starting to get my envelopes ready now!

  4. Great! That makes it super easy for me--since my birthday is the next day. WTG, Lucy!

  5. what a diplomatic way of choosing!! what a big helper Lucy is. i'll be hitting up "if it's paper" soon for my envelopes. maybe i need to start one of these for Epilepsy.

  6. Lucy is so talented! We are excited and hopeful as we endeavor to help with this effort.

    The Cieszko Family

  7. LOL, Lucy! That's great, Kellie, too cute!

  8. What a great date! I am ready!
